War Trigger - Beta

Release Notes

Alpha Release 0.8.4f3

- Added hours component to playtest start time when beyond a day

- Improved matchmaking to better support Squads

- Optimized: reduced frame stutters with VSync

- Fixed: can’t join matches/duels from Base Camp

- Fixed an issue with requesting incorrect matches

- Fixed issues with Google Cloud servers

- Fixed vehicles sinking into the ground or snapping back to old position

- Fixed: matches not immediately removed after match ends

- Fixed Squad team not properly assigning

- Fixed: not properly creating Squad vs Squad matches

- Fixed: Create Match Squad Screen: map selection is covering the title bar

- Fixed: score limit showing incorrect value in match list

- Fixed an invisible wall in Favela

- Fixed: exit vehicles thru walls to get inside objects/walls

- Fixed scroll sensitivity of list UIs & improved visibility of item lists

- Fixed: friend status showing incorrect map names

Alpha Release 0.8.4f1

- Added map for the holidays: Santa’s House

- Added Google Cloud servers to support unlimited players

- Added support for weekends only playtests

- Improved Map selection UI to support more maps

- Fixed: playtest day is not showing correctly in some time zones

- Fixed: key input message "[F] Interact" is visible when it shouldn't be

- Fixed incorrect character speed when moving up/down stairs

- Fixed lighting & missing wall geometry in Classic Kiev

- Fixed occlusion culling issue in Favela near Team 2 spawn

- Fixed missing wall geometry in north west of Classic Frankfurt

Alpha Release 0.8.3f2

- Improved: added 1s delay before allowing to respawn by clicking

- Improved: added alternate game options to loading screen

- Improved: increased wall clipping distance for death camera view

- Fixed: stuck spectating when clicking mouse while killed

- Fixed: Elimination matches not listed

- Fixed: Elimination does not end when remaining players leave the match

- Fixed: unable to close UI in Elimination when out of respawns

- Fixed: shotgun does not spread properly at a distance

- Fixed broken FFA spawn screen

- Fixed: stuck in spawn UI after a connection was restored

- Fixed: targets in Base Camp stop working after an interrupted connection

- Fixed: camera does not follow vehicle turret when spectating

- Fixed capture points that shouldn’t allow vehicles

- Fixed Duels: wait for both players to spawn before starting round

- Fixed: shotgun shifts to the right when firing

Alpha Release 0.8.3f1

- Added Elimination game mode

- Added an alternate Sand Storm Territories option

- Added spectating of teammates between spawning

- Added new guns: Shotgun, L1A1, M16LMG, M21

- Added headshots & vehicles to activity feed

- Added team color to activity feed

- Added Vehicle kills & reward/banner

- Improved death sequence for infantry & vehicles

- Improved Item HUD

- Improved: increased mobility of UZI

- Improved: smoother network movement

- Improved network movement when player changes direction rapidly

- Improved: reduced teleporting when players jump

- Improved: highlight view direction in mini map

- Improved targets in Base Camp to take multiple hits

- Improved text for progress bars

- Improved network security with TLS

- Changed: removed red damage zone for armored vehicles

- Changed: reduced jump height by 22% & reduced "hang time"

- Changed: increased first person animation movement

- Changed: updated keyboard controls guide to reflect recent changes

- Fixed issues with toggle leaning & sprinting

- Fixed phantom fall damage

- Fixed: can't capture control point when game started while inside

- Fixed Secondaries only game option not working

- Fixed: character repeatedly playing the death animation

- Fixed: character body ejects for vehicles where character is not visible

- Fixed an issue with hit reg on player's head when they're looking down

- Fixed: triggering your own mines in FFA

- Fixed ammo count not synced after firing

- Fixed: melee animation does not play in first person when attacking rapidly

- Fixed an issue with reload animation not playing in the arm

- Fixed: spawn UI remains open after spawning and losing connection

- Fixed incorrect Mini Map width

- Fixed localization for count down

Alpha Release 0.8.2f3

- Improved: grenades no longer explode when damaged

- Improved: reduced Kiev ambient sound

- Improved: adjusted netcode to reduce teleporting issues

- Improved: reduced distance of death sound

- Updated fire rate for BAR, AK Sniper & AK-47

- Updated UZI to primary weapon with increase in mobility & stamina

- Changed: increased limb damage to 4 shot kill, upper leg to 3 shot kill

- Changed: allow 1-shot kill for upper leg with M82 Pred

- Changed: camera shake intensity spreads from the center

- Changed: reduced flinch for Snipers & removed flinch from other guns

- Changed: reduced claymore beeping distance

- Changed: 30% more stamina for sprinting

- Changed: 50% more stamina for UZI

- Changed: reduced fall damage

- Fixed: kill feed only shows weapon names for kills up close

- Fixed issues with Free-For-All

- Fixed: flinch value on weapon not being used

- Fixed: quick-use item when aiming causes attack to no longer work

- Fixed: Hold To Lean option is inverted

- Fixed incorrect Mobility for all weapons

- Fixed Melee weapons affecting mobility of primary weapon

Alpha Release 0.8.2f2

- Added new map: Kiev

- Added new game mode: Free-For-All

- Added flinch & camera shake when hit

- Added weapon/item name to kill feed

- Added camera shake to vehicle weapons

- Added game mode info to in-game menu & HUD

- Added new spawn point to Base Camp

- Improved: new accounts start with 10k honors

- Improved vehicle aim views

- Improved vehicle wheel/track suspension

- Improved: reduced limb damage by up to 50%

- Improved: projectiles can now pass through the arms to the body

- Improved: slow down leaning when it's spammed

- Improved interior lighting for Red Dawn

- Improved lighting for Sand Storm

- Improved the look of Score HUD

- Improved map view lighting for spawn/team select screen

- Improved lighting for Character screen

- Improved gun hold positions for SAW & GROZA-MP

- Improved the texture for AK 47

- Changed: increase recoil by 15% when leaning

- Fixed jittery vehicles

- Fixed aim sensitivity not working for vehicles

- Fixed: abandoned helicopters rotate toward a certain direction

- Fixed: gaps with character hit boxes

- Fixed: can’t look around while aiming when sitting in a chair

- Fixed: character gun recoil not working when operating

- Fixed: character look animation not working when sitting in a chair

- Fixed: Leaning not working over network when operating

- Fixed GROZA-MP left arm going through body while sprinting

- Fixed: character gun hold not properly transitioning between holding and sprinting

- Fixed: aiming with ALT option not working when operating

- Fixed Scoreboard HUD in Base Camp

- Fixed Sand Storm dark boulders/rocks LODs

- Fixed objective HUD visible in Deathmatch and other game modes

- Fixed tilted character weapon hold

Alpha Release 0.8.1f3

- Added aim sensitivity option

- Added option to reduce camera shake for explosions

- Added enemy indicator above head when revealed

- Added camera smoothing option

- Improved: default to infantry-only option in weapons-only mode

- Improved: reduce claymore explosion delay & trigger range

- Improved: reduced explosion camera shake distance

- Improved: disable camera shake while aiming

- Improved: Increase grenade throw animation speed

- Improved network update rate when aiming distant objects

- Improved: reduce teleporting around doorways & stairs

- Optimized memory allocations & performance

- Optimized: tuned netcode to account for higher ping

- Optimized: Bad Word filtering of player names causing frame stutters

- Changed: removed recoil recovery from single-shot weapons

- Changed: updated M82 Predator scope texture

- Changed: removed tilting when strafing

- Changed M82 Predator stats

- Changed: jumping now uses the same amount of stamina as sprinting

- Fixed: can't damage targets after reloading while entering portal to the Range

- Fixed red dot sight on GROZA-MP when playing on Low

- Fixed incorrect sight alignment for AK Sniper, M16 Sniper & MP5 Sniper

- Fixed an issue with leaning into wall at higher elevation

- Fixed: character move camera animation continues playing when entering vehicle

- Fixed: fullscreen scope remains visible when killed or while switching weapons

- Fixed an issue with bouncing off of walls when jumping

- Fixed: remove grenade friendly fire

- Fixed: points column not showing in Scoreboard

- Fixed: Interact HUD remains visible

- Fixed: can’t hit target while shooting at the start of aiming

- Fixed volume setting not working for grenade & claymore explosions

- Fixed: gun not firing when reload completes while holding down the fire button

- Fixed: prevent healing with MedKit after being killed

- Fixed: aim is not persistent after pressing sprint and releasing

- Fixed: look input should not be frame rate dependent

Alpha Release 0.8.1f1

- Added G & H key shortcut for instant use of utility slots

- Added grenade cooking by holding left click (or holding shortcut key)

- Added character leaning ability (Q/E key)

- Added horizontal recoil

- Added camera shake when shooting & for explosions

- Added M82 Predator

- Added GROZA MP

- Added prompt for interact/operate

- Improved: quick use an item by holding the Slot Key

- Improved: faster grenade throws

- Improved: use Med Kits & Ammo Kits on friendly players by holding the item key

- Improved: new grenade explosion with burn marks and increased range with falloff damage

- Improved claymores: delayed explosion & beeping sounds

- Improved grenade throw with consistent release points

- Improved the arc of grenade throws

- Improved player arrow indicator

- Improved: recoil recovery when burst firing

- Improved: removed Utility options for melee only

- Improved: removed Utilities from Duels

- Improved: Snipers-only should not have secondaries

- Changed: Interact/Operate key changed to F

- Changed: Firing mode: Hold F

- Fixed: changing to a date in the future will cause loadouts to not load

- Fixed: new player accounts have broken loadout causing some parts to be invisible

- Fixed: gun reload not synced properly with arm after switching view or item

- Fixed: last utility item disappearing before finished using

- Fixed: can't use item or weapon right after switching

- Fixed an issue with portals and character actions by waiting for actions to complete

- Fixed: M82 full screen scope edges bleeding through

- Fixed: Fences in A7 stopping bullets

Alpha Release 0.8.0f2

- Improved: medkits, grenades & claymores are now unlimited and no longer needs to be refilled

- Improved: planted claymores disappear after respawning

- Improved melee hit for high ping

- Improved: secondary melee damage for last part of the swing

- Improved: reduced theme music volume

- Improved: return to Base Camp after a duel

- Improved demolitions character weapon hold/sprint

- Optimized: reduced memory foot print

- Fixed playtests starting & ending a day early

- Fixed knife hold in first person

- Fixed: duplicate Control Points in A7 Autobahn

- Fixed an issue spawning when an item is equipped multiple times

- Fixed an issue with empty equipment after removing a utility item in Utility mode

- Fixed sliding when stopping from sprint

- Fixed jump animation not playing with melee weapon

- Fixed an issue with character becoming invisible after exiting Hummer & joining a new match

- Fixed: Invisibility bug near point C in Favela

- Fixed: invulnerability in Favela after running between rooms

Alpha Release 0.8.0f1

- Added Weapons & Utilities game mode options

- Added 1v1 Melee Duels to Base Camp

- Improved: Infantry Only is now a separate game option

- Improved: reduced to 2 Utilities with restrictions

- Improved character animations & gun holding

- Improved: more precise gun aiming in 3rd person

- Improved: sprint by holding shift key only

- Improved: first person view is now properly aligned to the character's eye level

- Improved: smoother landing from jump in first person view

- Changed: reduced jump height

- Fixed time not showing for rounds

- Fixed Duels: allow players to change loadout before spawning

- Fixed: Loadout changes from Deploy screen not sticking

- Fixed: sniper scope seeing thru walls

- Fixed an issue with gun shaking when ADS from sprint=

- Fixed crowbar animation glitch with sprinting

- Fixed: splash damage not giving kills

Alpha Release 0.7.9f3

- Added 1v1 Duels to Base Camp

- Added headshot reward & banner

- Added Loadout selection screen for spawning

- Added Team voice/text chat

- Added Push-to-talk

- Improved the text size of player names/vehicle damage

- Improved: sniper & demo weapons buff

- Fixed kills not working properly

- Fixed team 1 vehicles in Frankfurt not updating properly

- Fixed: player can't move when spawning after the first match

- Fixed: M4 Spec Ops sight is white when Bloom is off

- Fixed localization in Browse Games screen

- Fixed: vehicle kills you when exiting

- Fixed: error logs for each frame that could impact performance

Alpha Release 0.7.9f2

- Added new map: Classic Frankfurt

- Added new weapons to Unlock screen

- Added Infantry only game mode

- Improved vehicle running over infantry

- Improved first person character & animations

- Optimized: reduce memory allocations

- Fixed: vehicles/characters states not updating properly

- Fixed sun blocked by invisible colliders

- Fixed: Unlock screen not showing level requirement

Alpha Release 0.7.9f1

- Added limited vehicle ammo & repair station

- Added vehicle multi-gunner support

- Fixed: HMARS rockets exploding at the barrel

- Fixed: fall damage not working properly over network

- Fixed an issue picking up ammo into the wrong slot

- Fixed: Anti-tank mines not triggering

- Fixed missing Spanish localization

Alpha Release 0.7.8f3

- Added projectile fly-by sounds for vehicles

- Added game type to loading screen

- Improved turning for M-163

- Optimized network data usage for vehicles

- Optimized: reduced memory allocations

- Fixed: invisible stair ramps receive decals in Sand Storm

- Fixed spawns & invisible wall in Favela TDM

Alpha Release 0.7.8f2

- Improved arrow marker for vehicles

- Improved vehicle weapon accuracy

- Improved gun SAW materials

- Improved vehicle stats, speed & weapon spread

- Improved: reduced explosion particles

- Improved: reveal enemy name when shooting/damaged in vehicle

- Improved: reduced area damage for rocket launchers

- Fixed: rocket launchers not dealing enough damage

- Fixed: vehicle kills not reporting

- Fixed incorrect HUD for Little Bird

- Fixed: vehicle health bar appear when collide into objects

- Fixed: prevent enemies from entering your vehicle

- Fixed: teleport into vehicle by pressing E

Alpha Release 0.7.8f1

- Added new vehicles: M-163, HMARS, M-60A3, M-2A1

- Added vehicles to maps: PT-76, BRDM, Little Bird

- Added honks to Hummer

- Improved foot step sound fall off

- Improved vehicle running over infantry

- Fixed: comms Menu not working when driving the Hummer

- Fixed: vehicle running over passenger on exit

Alpha Release 0.7.7f7

- Improved: weapons start with specific amount of ammo

- Improved: can pick up additional ammo from Ammo Depot while reloading

- Improved the recoil & sights for M4 Spec Ops & BAR

- Improved: balanced territories gameplay in Favela

- Improved: added physical barriers between Teams in Favela (Territories)

- Improved: Increased max level to 35

- Fixed team names in Victory/Defeat Screen

- Fixed: objects disappearing when looking through some windows in Favela

Alpha Release 0.7.7f6

- Added Spanish localization

- Improved the recoil of some guns

- Improved: moved operable chairs around the table in Base Camp

- Improved: moved spawn points for Team 2

- Fixed brightness setting not working for some maps

- Fixed: Boot Camp subtitles blocked by Item Bar

- Fixed: reload sync issue after changing weapon at the end of reloading

- Fixed multi-reloads for Demo weapons after rapid weapon switching

- Fixed: firing a round when switching to knife even when out of ammo

- Fixed an issue with players "killing each other"

Alpha Release 0.7.7f5

- Added Red Dawn map

- Added gun recoil

- Improved: updated item bar & FPS/stats HUD

- Improved: reduced ambient sounds in Sand Storm

- Improved: Items in equipment affect move speed

- Improved hip firing and bullet scattering

- Improved: retry changing item if it failed

- Improved the sight for M4 Spec Ops

- Fixed gun ammo count not synced after respawning

- Fixed Sand Storm lighting

- Fixed: character movement increases on slopes

- Fixed: can't sprint while slashing with knife

- Fixed: bullet decals not showing for some surfaces

- Fixed: can't shoot after entering portal in Base Camp while reloading

Alpha Release 0.7.7f4

- Added date to Play Test schedule

- Fixed team names in Scoreboard

- Fixed: volume options does not affect bullet fly-by sounds

- Fixed: victory/defeat reward giving phantom items

- Fixed: distant network objects always occluded

Alpha Release 0.7.7f3

- Improved: server validated hit markers

- Fixed network sync issue with firing

- Fixed circle reticle bug

- Fixed can't join any match after closing the Victory/Defeat screen too quickly

- Fixed: Ammo count not updating after reload

- Fixed AK 47 iron sight

Alpha Release 0.7.7f2

- Added marker for teammates

- Improved team balance

- Improved crowbar range & melee weapon hit detection

- Improved: increased max level to 24

- Fixed: friendly-fire in TDM

- Fixed incorrect play test schedule

- Fixed: anti-tank mine not working for vehicles

- Fixed Squads closing after match ends

Alpha Release 0.7.7f1

- Added end time to Play Test schedule

- Improved netcode: lower latency with hit detection

- Improved character network rotation

- Improved: removed Die sound from crowbar

- Fixed: text chat bubble repeating for some players

- Fixed: prevent empty loadout slots that my cause "ghost" players

- Fixed: players teleporting from nowhere

Alpha Release 0.7.6f7

- Added items to the shop

- Added interactable chairs to Base Camp

- Improved: allow switching weapon while reloading

- Fixed operable camera sensitivity

- Fixed: can't kill player while in Hummer

Alpha Release 0.7.6f6

- Added text bubble chat

- Improved: increased delay for health regeneration with 50% max recovery

- Improved: reduced latency with a higher network tick rate

- Improved: increased friendly player name distance

- Fixed: not getting kills from claymores/grenades

- Fixed incorrect in-game chat UI position

Alpha Release 0.7.6f5

- Added: display message when shooting a player with Spawn Protection

- Added option to turn off hold to aim

- Added bad word filtering

Alpha Release 0.7.6f4

- Added 5s spawn protection

- Improved netcode for hit detection

- Fixed sensitivity scaling issues under 100%

- Fixed: HUD disappears when die while aiming

Alpha Release 0.7.6f3

- Improved: sprinting now overrides crouching & aiming

- Fixed: look input snaps and floats after aiming or switching views

Alpha Release 0.7.6f2

- Improved: increased frame cap to 300 FPS

- Improved: adjusted character ammo capacity

- Improved: keep look rotation when exiting vehicles

- Improved: Restricted 3rd person view to Base Camp only

- Fixed: Sand Storm palm trees not moving with the wind

- Fixed legs disappearing while crouching

- Fixed: falling thru map after exiting Hummer

- Fixed: Can’t plant Claymores on roads and some surfaces

- Fixed camera look sensitivity issues

Alpha Release 0.6.6

- New Gamepad/Keyboard guides

- New: Basic Training

- Improved Create Match Screen: removed extra options

- Improved Scoreboard & GameScreenUI for Basic Training

- Fixed: can't auto join team when TeamSelect UI is not open

- Fixed an issue with match starting with no players in teams

- Fixed an issue with scene entities not spawning properly

- Fixed match ending immediately in Battle Royale

- Fixed an issue with Battle Royale not starting when no one is in Team 1

- Fixed: indicators disappear when remote player aims

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